
My first real job started in 1987 with a Building Company where I had funktions as carpenter, assistent overseer and quantity serveyor during the 4 years I've been there.

Logo Building company lokhorst.

After that, in 1991 I became a employee at our municipality and during 5 years I've been calculator / quantity serveyor (STABU-system) and advisor building technology (new projects).

Accordingly with the same municipality for another period of 5 years I performed the function of applicationmanager for a taxapplication and did so with pleasure.

Logo muncipality of Velsen.

Allthough I enjoyed my work, the time had come to make a more drastic change. So in 2001 I quite my job with the municipality and started of as a consultant for a company that supports municipalities throughout the country. It's pratically the same job but with the variety of different enviromments, projects and colluaeges. I kept this job for about 5 years and even though it gave me satisfaction and I've been enjoying it, the long hours had to much impact on my spare time causing me to except an offer of a client to come work for them.

Logo consultancy agency TMOP. Now a days called BMC

So as of spring 2006 I was a municipality-employee again, responsible for the financial system including the Business Intelligence application.


Logo muncipality of Leiden

After 6 years the municipality, together with neighboring municipalities, placed their service mission tasks in a regional shared service center. My work included, so I had to follow it. During this proces I seized the opportunity to again change jobs. It worked and since 2012 I'm a Information Advisor at that shared service center.

Logo shared service center Servicepunt71.